The Constituency programme in Eastern Europe and the Balkans
The Netherlands Court of Audit uses its knowledge and expertise in the Constituencey programme. This programme promotes cooperation at a technical level with countries that the Netherlands represent on the board of the International Monetary Funds (IMF), the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

The current Constituency programme runs from January to December 2024.
Why do we work with Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in Eastern Europe and the Balkans?
The programme provides technical assistance to support and strengthen SAIs in the Constituency countries. The programme, like our other programmes, is demand driven.
Within the Constituency programme 2024, the Netherlands Court of Audits will work with the SAIs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania and Ukraine.
The Constituency programme is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Finance and is part of its Constituency programme to raise awareness and assist with the adoption of European and international standards on robust and transparent public finances in the Constituency countries.
Regional cooperation
We are building on the cooperation we enjoyed with the SAIs of all 7 countries in previous years, which focused on the strategic programming of audits. In 2024, we will work on improving impact through stakeholder engagement. By sharing experiences and learning from best practices, we aim to make audits more relevant to stakeholders and so increase audit impact.
Bilateral cooperation
In 2024, we will carry out 3 bilateral cooperation projects, with the SAIs of Moldova, North Macedonia, and Romania.
The cooperation with the SAI of Moldova will focus on strengthening integrity within the organisation. At the request of the SAI of Moldova, we will conduct a IntoSAINT self-assessment: a tool moderated by a trained facilitator for SAIs to analyse their integrity risks.
The focal point of the cooperation with SAI North Macedonia is on focus investigations. These are short investigations without conclusions and recommendations that focus on enlarging the impact of SAIs by providing facts for use in public debates.
The bilateral cooperation with SAI Romania will build on previous years’ experiences. In 2024, the focus will lie on quality management of audits, communication and stakeholder relations, and integrity.