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452 news items

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  1. There is too much information, not too little

    Is the benefits scandal unique? Or can fixed political and parliamentary patterns be identified?

    News item | 08-01-2021 | 00:00

  2. EU audit offices hampered in their ability to audit bank resolution

    Supreme audit institutions in the euro area were unable to inspect all the documents they needed to examine to audit the ...

    News item | 16-12-2020 | 11:30

  3. Netherlands Court of Audit appoints Annemarie Jansen as new Director of Operations

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has appointed Annemarie Jansen as its new Director of Operations with effect from 1 February 2021.

    News item | 16-12-2020 | 00:00

  4. Part of government expenditure on Covid-19 support deferred until 2021

    The government is expected to spend a total of €31.4 billion in 2020 on mitigating the consequences of the coronavirus crisis. ...

    News item | 10-12-2020 | 10:00

  5. Flexible workers: the biggest risks on the labour market and the least resilience

    One fifth of the 1.9 million Dutch workers employed on flexible labour contracts have neither savings nor a partner in work they ...

    News item | 09-12-2020 | 09:00

  6. Court of Audit to look into ‘operation to rectify repayment of childcare benefits’

    The House of Representatives of the Dutch parliament has asked the Netherlands Court of Audit to look into the way in which the ...

    News item | 30-11-2020 | 00:00

  7. Government inconsistently applying rules on sureties and loans during corona crisis

    Parliament sometimes does not receive full information until after it votes The State of the Netherlands has provided sureties ...

    News item | 25-11-2020 | 11:00

  8. Individual support for companies during the corona crisis: lessons learned from the past often applied

    Government earmarks €3.5 billion for targeted support for businesses Ministers applied lessons learned from previous support ...

    News item | 12-11-2020 | 14:00

  9. Risks of home working in central government

    Some of the civil servants in central government believe communication of the secure use of collaborative ICT tools such as ...

    News item | 02-11-2020 | 09:00

  10. Current status of support for the financial sector during and after the credit crisis

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has updated its financial summary of the measures taken by the Dutch government to support the ...

    News item | 28-10-2020 | 09:00