
360 publications

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  1. The human dimension at the UWV

    Audit of the implementation and impact of the employee incapacity insurance scheme Many people are trapped by government rules. ...

    Report | 18-04-2024

  2. Pathway out of the pandemic

    Audit of COVID-19 vaccine procurement The Netherlands procured 102 million COVID-19 vaccines at a cost of €1.8 billion in 2020 ...

    Report | 10-04-2024

  3. Pathway out of the pandemic

    Video | 10-04-2024

  4. Carbon storage under the North Sea

    On profits under water Carbon dioxide captured by industrial companies and pumped through a pipeline from Rotterdam to a depleted ...

    Report | 28-03-2024

  5. Max ten Velde (Leiden University), Increased poverty through digital exclusion? The relationship between older people’s digital skills and non-take up of welfare benefits

    External publication | 01-03-2024

  6. Kim van Berkel (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Incentivizing social assistance recipients: Quasi-experimental evidence from trials with earnings exemptions in the Netherlands

    External publication | 01-03-2024

  7. Frank Schuiten (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Examining the possibilities and impossibilities of Responsive Auditing … and reflections along the way

    External publication | 01-03-2024

  8. The cost to the Netherlands government of the Flight MH17 disaster

    At the government’s request, the Netherlands Court of Audit has assessed in detail the cost to government organisations and ...

    Report | 29-02-2024

  9. The cost to the Netherlands government of the Flight MH17 disaster

    The Court of Audit’s President, Pieter Duisenberg, presents the Court’s report on the costs incurred by the Netherlands ...

    Video | 29-02-2024

  10. Moving towards equality of opportunity in the MBO

    Part 2: What do data and practice tell us? By making concrete agreements on equal opportunities the Minister of Education, ...

    Report | 14-02-2024