
360 publications

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  1. Focus on corona tax debts

    During the corona pandemic, businesses and the self-employed were granted tax deferrals totalling €40 billion that helped many of ...

    Report | 06-02-2024

  2. Results Count! Count Results!

    The Netherlands' contribution to access to clean drinking water and sanitation in developing countries

    Report | 18-01-2024

  3. Inter Expo Caribbean

    Speech by Board member Ewout Irrgang at Inter Expo Caribbean, 7 December 2023

    Speech | 07-12-2023

  4. seminar Audit Energy

    Opening seminar 30 November 2023 EU Network Audit Energy by Vice President Barbara Joziasse of the Netherlands Court of Audit ...

    Speech | 30-11-2023

  5. Statement on the constitutional role, mandate and independence of the Supreme Audit Office of Poland

    Publication | 22-11-2023

  6. Beyond the dyke

    Flood safety options With climate change increasing the risk of flooding, the Netherlands needs to take a broader approach to ...

    Report | 12-10-2023

  7. Focus on hazardous working conditions

    Some 200,000 people suffer an accident at work every year in the Netherlands. About 60 die as a result. An estimated 4,000 people ...

    Report | 10-10-2023

  8. Equality of opportunity in the MBO

    Part 1: Focus on a good starting position for all MBO students The Minister of Education, Culture and Science previously ...

    Report | 12-09-2023

  9. Annexe 1 Costs and benefits, accompanying the web page, How has the EU responded to the COVID-19 crisis and what is the impact on the Netherlands?

    Publication | 30-06-2023

  10. Annexe 1 Costs and benefits

    Publication | 27-06-2023