Concerns about Defence, Tax and Customs Administration and control at Security and Justice

Fewer problems found in central government

The Court of Audit has audited the central government accounts for 2015 and found a paradox: there are serious weaknesses in three traditional areas of government, at the Ministry of Defence, the Tax and Customs Administration and the Ministry of Security and Justice. Measures to get to grips with the problems have so far proved inadequate. The overall number of shortcomings at all ministries, however, has almost halved in comparison with the previous year. There has therefore been an improvement in central government’s operational management. The regularity of revenue and expenditure in 2015 was of a high standard but there are shortcomings in the information provided on the impact of public spending in important policy fields. These findings are presented in Accounting for Central Government 2015, which in keeping with tradition was submitted to the House of Representatives on the third Wednesday in May.