Documents - Central government budget and financial statements

34 publications on Central government budget and financial statements

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  1. Insight into Public Funds (part 2)

    Towards future-proof policy budgeting Parliament’s right to approve the central government budget would be strengthened if ...

    Report | 12-09-2019

  2. Revolving funds

    The main question in this exploratory audit was ‘What does the landscape of central government’s revolving funds look like and ...

    Report | 16-04-2019

  3. Brexit

    Preparation for the financial and economic impact and the consequences for Customs The Netherlands Court of Audit has audited the ...

    Report | 10-12-2018

  4. Insight into additional funding of the third Rutte government

    Traceability and reasons for measures The reasons given in the budget documents the House of Representatives and the Senate ...

    Report | 26-09-2018

  5. The central government accounting system: government’s response to the report entitled Revenues and expenses revaluated

    Parliamentary document: Letter to parliament | 05-04-2018

  6. Letter to the House of Representatives on the Haiti audit

    Parliamentary document: Letter to parliament | 05-03-2018

  7. State of Central Government Accounts 2016

    Insight into public finances

    Report | 17-05-2017

  8. Report on the National Declaration 2017

    The Netherlands Court of Audit expresses an opinion every year on the true and fair view given by the National Declaration. The ...

    Report | 17-05-2017

  9. Understanding public money flows

    Invitation to debate the issue of public accountability What do future parliaments need to gain an insight into how future ...

    Report | 13-07-2016

  10. Report on the National Declaration 2016

    The Court of Audit expresses an opinion on the reliability of the National Declaration on Accountability Day (the third Wednesday ...

    Report | 18-05-2016