Documents - Central government budget and financial statements

34 publications on Central government budget and financial statements

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  1. Accountability and supervision of the performance and impact of arm's length institutions

    As part of our audit of the ministries' annual reports and accounts, we investigated accountability and supervision relationships ...

    Report | 16-05-2012

  2. State of Central Government Accounts 2011

    With the Netherlands in the grip of the international financial crisis and the credit crunch, information on the consequences of ...

    Report | 16-05-2012

  3. Report on the Dutch EU member state declaration 2011

    The Netherlands Court of Audit expresses an opinion to parliament every year on the EU member state declaration issued by the ...

    Report | 16-05-2012

  4. Data security and positions with access to confidential information

    Government-wide operational audit performed as part of the 2011 audit into the state of central government accounts (Background ...

    Report | 16-05-2012