Documents - Central government budget and financial statements

34 publications on Central government budget and financial statements

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  1. Accounting for central government 2015

    Findings of the audit of the central government accounts

    Report | 18-05-2016

  2. Budget reserves

    Putting money to one side as a budgeting instrument Ministers can put money to one side in a budget reserve. This is useful if it ...

    Report | 24-03-2016

  3. Stuiveling: The Cabinet is not prepared: Time for implementation!

    Government finances in order; concerns about operational activities

    Publication | 20-05-2015

  4. Report on the National Statement 2015

    The National Statement is the method used by the Cabinet to render itself accountable to the European Commission and the Dutch ...

    Report | 20-05-2015

  5. Use of natural gas revenues: facts, figures and scenarios

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has investigated how much money has been earned from the Groningen natural gas field since 1960 ...

    Report | 07-10-2014

  6. Report on the National Declaration 2014

    Dutch declaration to account for the use of EU funds under shared management The National Declaration 2014 accounts for the ...

    Report | 21-05-2014

  7. Evaluation of Policy Effectiveness in Central Government: Follow-up audit

    In our report Evaluation of Policy Effectiveness in Central Government of 2012, we concluded that the effectiveness of half the ...

    Report | 25-06-2013

  8. State of Central Government Accounts 2012

    Civil service reform, allocation of responsiblities uncertain. Uncertain whether govenment will hit targets; improvements in ...

    Report | 15-05-2013

  9. Report on the national declaration 2013

    Positive opinion on Duch nationale declaration 2013. No information on Dutch remittances to EU and on efficiency The accounts ...

    Report | 15-05-2013

  10. Evaluation of policy effectiveness in central government

    If the effectiveness of government policy is not evaluated, there is a risk that the government will continue to implement ...

    Report | 22-05-2012