News - Corona
12 news items on Corona
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Health ministry responded quickly and served public interests when procuring COVID-19 vaccines
Support for vulnerable countries had only limited success On the whole, COVID-19 vaccines were procured efficiently during the ...
Businesses pay off €26 billion of corona tax debts, but €5.7 billion at risk
Capacity problems at the Tax and Customs Administration During the corona pandemic, businesses and the self-employed were granted ...
Netherlands Court of Audit: public services benefit from earlier and clearer GDPR decisions
Provision of public services is often below standard because implementing organisations look upon privacy rules (as laid down in ...
Corona Account: total expenditure of €87.6 billion in 2020-2023
Less money was spent to combat the COVID-19 crisis in 2022 than budgeted. Expenditure will fall further in 2023. The Budget ...
First letters commenting on draft budgets 2023
The Netherlands Court of Audit sends letters every year with points for attention that parliament can consider in its debate of ...
Increase in expenditure on corona measures
Total expenditure on support measures relating to the COVID-19 crisis for the period 2020-2021 has risen to €66.1 billion. This ...
Part of government expenditure on Covid-19 support deferred until 2021
The government is expected to spend a total of €31.4 billion in 2020 on mitigating the consequences of the coronavirus crisis. ...
Government inconsistently applying rules on sureties and loans during corona crisis
Parliament sometimes does not receive full information until after it votes The State of the Netherlands has provided sureties ...
Individual support for companies during the corona crisis: lessons learned from the past often applied
Government earmarks €3.5 billion for targeted support for businesses Ministers applied lessons learned from previous support ...
Risks of home working in central government
Some of the civil servants in central government believe communication of the secure use of collaborative ICT tools such as ...