News - Defence

24 news items on Defence

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  1. Provisional award decision for new submarines: careful and transparent

    The Minister of Defence’s decision to procure 4 new submarines from Naval Group was taken carefully and in accordance with the ...

    News item | 23-05-2024 | 14:00

  2. Defence real estate plan poorly explained

    The Ministry of Defence’s Strategic Real Estate Plan (SVP) is intended to put an end to long-lasting problems regarding the ...

    News item | 13-02-2023 | 00:00

  3. Operational effectiveness of the AIVD and MIVD under pressure

    Little thought for implementation during preparation of the Intelligence and Security Services Act 2017 Preparation and ...

    News item | 22-04-2021 | 09:00

  4. Ministry of Defence’s ten-year cost savings lower than projected

    Important lessons for achievable spending cuts The Netherlands Court of Audit has found that the Ministry of Defence has failed ...

    News item | 13-04-2021 | 00:00

  5. Minister offers better insight into project but submarine budget is too low

    Submarine deployment below Defence ambition for at least 10 years The Ministry of Defence correctly informed parliament at the ...

    News item | 12-10-2020 | 16:00

  6. Cyber security of border controls at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is not adequate

    An audit by the Netherlands Court of Audit has revealed that the cyber security of the border controls operated by Dutch border ...

    News item | 20-04-2020 | 09:00

  7. Billions placed in revolving funds but little accountability

    The Dutch government is increasingly using revolving funds to achieve social goals, for example to encourage domestic energy ...

    News item | 16-04-2019 | 17:30

  8. Biggest defence procurement project ever is a lesson for the future

    Netherlands Court of Audit bundles 20 years of auditing the JSF Lessons can be learnt from the Dutch government’s involvement in ...

    News item | 06-03-2019 | 11:30

  9. Stricter checks of JSF invoices

    Audit leads to supplementary agreement with the US The invoices the Netherlands receives from the United States for the ...

    News item | 31-10-2018 | 00:00

  10. UN mission to Mali: shortcomings in training, materiel and maintenance

    Mission pressure is a risk to the readiness of the armed forces Lack of equipment, inadequate training, spare parts that don’t ...

    News item | 13-06-2018 | 10:26