News - Defence

24 news items on Defence

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  1. Dollar exchange rate risks to procurement of JSF

    In a letter to the House of Representatives of 19 January 2016, the Court of Audit considered the risk of the higher euro/dollar ...

    News item | 19-01-2016 | 13:22

  2. Court critical about information on procurement of JSF and transition to JSF

    In its letter to the Dutch House of Representatives on 10 February, the Netherlands Court of Audit makes a number of critical ...

    News item | 10-02-2015 | 15:09

  3. President Stuiveling calls for greater transparency in NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the dozens of entities that operate within it could improve their public ...

    News item | 24-11-2014 | 10:14

  4. Public accountability for NATO expenditure: small rays of hope but limited transparency

    Quarter of IBAN audit opinions for 2013 qualified or adverse Despite the many small steps taken to enhance transparency, public ...

    News item | 18-11-2014 | 10:16

  5. Comments on the Ministry of Defence’s ambitions

    In a letter to the House of Representatives of 14 October 2014, the Court of Audit makes a number of comments on the Ministry of ...

    News item | 14-10-2014 | 08:38

  6. Ministry of Defence still has a lot of work to do to benefit from new ICT system

    The Dutch Ministry of Defence has been introducing a complex ICT system since 2005 to support and improve its operations. The ...

    News item | 16-01-2014 | 10:56

  7. Minister of Defence supports NATO project

    The Dutch minister of Defence Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert supports the initiative of the Netherlands Court of Audit to visualize funds ...

    News item | 15-11-2013 | 12:42

  8. Comments on the Ministry of Defence's 2014 budget

    The House of Representatives received a letter from the Court of Audit on the Ministry of Defence's 2014 budget on 4 November ...

    News item | 04-11-2013 | 12:55

  9. Initiative to audit NATO funds flows

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has taken the initiative to audit the funds flows of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

    News item | 01-10-2013 | 13:07

  10. Financial underpinning of lowered ambitions for the armed forces not complete and of limited durability but the best possible approximation at present

    Court of Audit validates policy document on the armed forces

    News item | 19-09-2013 | 13:33