News - Expenditure management in the health care sector
14 news items on Expenditure management in the health care sector
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Health ministry responded quickly and served public interests when procuring COVID-19 vaccines
Support for vulnerable countries had only limited success On the whole, COVID-19 vaccines were procured efficiently during the ...
Policy on care fraud is mainly to hold meetings
Little action on suspected fraud: likelihood of detection low Measures to combat fraud involving public care funds rarely if ever ...
Managing sensible care in the standard health insurance package has not delivered change
Netherlands Court of Audit: Health care that does not have a demonstrable effect and is not medically necessary has still not ...
Mental healthcare: the bigger the problem, the longer the waiting list
Netherlands Court of Audit investigates causes of mental healthcare waiting lists The approach to mental healthcare waiting ...
Bigger discounts needed on expensive medicines to avoid crowding-out effects
Bigger discounts needed on expensive medicines to avoid crowding-out effects
Decision to audit system of personal care budgets postponed
The Netherlands Court of Audit has decided to postpone a decision to audit the new system of personal care budgets (the PGB 2.0 ...
Quality of mental healthcare not reflected in contracts
Problems in the funding model for mental healthcare
Care Agreements help restrain the growth in care expenditure
Agreements made by the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport with medical specialists, general practitioner, insurers and other ...
Health insurance package management less effective at controlling expenditure than envisaged
Systematic review of basic health insurance package provides opportunities for improvement
Growth in care expenditure to increase again after 2015
In a letter to the House of Representatives of 5 November 2014, the Court of Audit makes a number of comments on the 2015 budget ...