Quality control in higher education not yet optimal in practice

Systems in the Netherlands and Flanders are diverging

New measures to improve the quality control system for higher education in the Netherlands and Flanders provide an opportunity to pay more attention to substantive aspects of the quality of education and the final level of students' attainment. Review reports, however, are not yet in order regarding their reconstructibility and reasons for opinions. There is therefore a risk that weak aspects of a course remain underexposed. Rules have been amended in recent years so that the NVAO accreditation organisation can express more critical opinions on external review reports. In addition to the possibility of requesting additional information, it is now in a stronger position to impose sanctions. Differences in quality control between the Netherlands and Flanders are growing bigger, while a common starting point is particularly important for mutual recognition of each other's higher education qualifications. The House of Representatives will soon debate further measures with the Minister of Education to prevent a repetition of the problems at Inholland University of Applied Sciences.