Documents - Public-private funds flows
16 publications on Public-private funds flows
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Supervision of housing asscociations
Housing associations have attracted controversy in recent years for their alleged financial mismanagement. They are currently the ...
Contract management of DBFMO projects
Design, Build, Finance, Maintain and Operate (DBFMO) contracts are a form of public private partnership that the government uses ...
Spending cuts at executive organisations
We have audited the spending cuts being made at executive organisations that carry on a public task, such as the public ...
Public organisations and private activities
Background study The Court of Audit has informed the House of Representatives of the main findings of its recent audit or public ...
Autonomous Administrative Authorities Framework Act
Scope and implementation The Autonomous Administrative Authorities Framework Act was passed after protracted debate. This survey ...
Gas roundabout: benefit, need and risks
The Netherlands as the European gas transmission hub The government wants the Netherlands to become the 'gas roundabout' of ...