Audit of the health of the human environment

The health of everyone in the Netherlands, especially of those in a lower socio-economic position, is heading in the wrong direction. Our life expectancy is falling further behind that of neighbouring countries and we are enjoying fewer years of good health. The main causes are unhealthy lifestyles and an unhealthy human environment.

Social causes of health problems, such as poverty, poor diets and air pollution, are injurious to our national prosperity, costing an estimated tens of billions of euros every year. Measures to eliminate the causes are often more effective and less expensive than medical interventions and other remedial measures. ‘Health in all policies’ is an underlying principle of the Dutch approach to healthcare.

What are we auditing?

With a view to social wellbeing, the Netherlands Court of Audit will audit the non-healthcare measures being taken in the human environment that have a direct impact on our health and healthcare expenditure. We want to know whether and how healthcare is considered in non-healthcare policy measures and how effective and efficient the measures are in comparison with medical care. We also want to identify possible hindrances to effective and efficient measures to prevent health problems, such as factors that are counterproductive to good health and restrictive budget rules.

Why are we carrying out this audit?

The Dutch believe good health is the most important thing there is. Poor health is a matter of concern. Moreover, we spend more than €100 billion on medical and long-term care and assistance every year. Propelled by rising demand, the care burden is in danger of becoming untenable and unaffordable. We want the audit to provide the House of Representatives and the government with an insight into non-healthcare measures that improve health and explain whether enough such measures are being taken.

Current status

Audit of the health of the human environment

Do you want to take part in this audit?

The Court of Audit invites you to share any information you may have that would benefit our audit. We appreciate all contributions, knowledge and experience you may care to share with us on this topic. Simply send an email to

We read all emails carefully and treat them in confidence. However, we are not able to reply to every contribution we receive.