Young EUROSAI congress in Rotterdam
The Court of Audit will be hosting YES on 21 and 22 November 2013, a congress for young members (≤ 35 years) of the supreme audit institutions of European member countries of EUROSAI (European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions).
YES stands for Young EUROSAI. EUROSAI has 50 members, from Ireland to Kazakhstan and from Iceland to Cyprus. The Court of Audit expects 150 guests to attend this first Young EUROSAI Congress (YES). It will be held at the Shipping and Transport College (STC) at 300 Lloydstraat in Rotterdam. Its theme will be innovation and the challenges facing SAIs as the speed of information technology gets faster and faster. How can SAIs use the growing volume of open data and social media in their work? The participants will share their experiences and work on new ideas.
The Court of Audit will present the results of YES at the congress of EUROSAI presidents to be held in The Hague in June 2014. Saskia J. Stuiveling, the President of the Court of Audit, will be handed the results of YES at 15.00 hours on 22 November.
Jørgen Kosmo
A special guest at YES will be the Auditor General of Norway, Jørgen Kosmo. Mr Kosmo is a former minister, former President of Norway's parliament and has been head of the Norwegian Office of the Auditor General for nearly ten years. He will stand down on 1 January 2014. Mr Kosmo has made a great contribution to the international SAI community as Chairman of the Board of the International Development Initiative (IDI) of INTOSAI. The IDI is a development organisation that uses financial support from cooperating donors to help SAIs in new countries and difficult regions to strengthen governance in the public sector.
Mr Kosmo will be in Rotterdam to confirm that the important work of SAIs will be continued in the good hands of the next generation. The Court of Audit will hold a small, special reception for him in the Norwegian Church at 300 Westzeedijk in Rotterdam at 16.00 hours on Thursday 21 November.
Contact press officer Wietske de Jong +31 (0)70 342 42 19 / +31 (0)6 11 92 50 34 for further information.