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  1. Sustainable dairy farms in the Netherlands awarded higher grants

    Under the EU eco-scheme, dairy farmers in the Netherlands who do more for the climate, nature and the environment receive higher ...

    News item | 27-06-2024 | 15:00

  2. Productivity of implementing organisations: generic average does not reflect complex reality

    At the request of the House of Representatives, the Netherlands Court of Audit has investigated developments in the productivity ...

    News item | 05-06-2024 | 16:00

  3. Provisional award decision for new submarines: careful and transparent

    The Minister of Defence’s decision to procure 4 new submarines from Naval Group was taken carefully and in accordance with the ...

    News item | 23-05-2024 | 14:00

  4. Little insight into impact of additional government funding

    Accountability Audit: implementation brought to a standstill by lack of staff  The fourth Rutte government has had little success ...

    News item | 15-05-2024 | 11:00

  5. Secondary school supply teachers considerably more expensive than employed teachers

    Growing teacher shortage and increased use of supply teachers Supply teachers hired through an agency cost secondary schools ...

    News item | 24-04-2024 | 07:00

  6. Citizens struggle with complex disability insurance scheme: Court of Audit offers guidance to government

    Guidance on the human dimension Many people are trapped by government rules. One cause is the complexity of the regulations they ...

    News item | 18-04-2024 | 12:00

  7. Health ministry responded quickly and served public interests when procuring COVID-19 vaccines

    Support for vulnerable countries had only limited success On the whole, COVID-19 vaccines were procured efficiently during the ...

    News item | 10-04-2024 | 09:00

  8. If CO2 prices go up, industry benefits most from Porthos’s carbon storage under the North Sea

    CCS project investigated: long-term risks lie with the State Carbon dioxide captured by industrial companies and pumped through a ...

    News item | 28-03-2024 | 16:30

  9. Activity Report on 2023: Insights into public money and government performance

    The year 2023 saw several changes at the Netherlands Court of Audit. They included the appointment of Pieter Duisenberg as ...

    News item | 27-03-2024 | 14:00

  10. Netherlands Court of Audit presents Thesis Prize

    Kim van Berkel (Erasmus University Rotterdam) has won the Netherlands Court of Audit’s 2024 Thesis Prize for her thesis on social ...

    News item | 01-03-2024 | 10:00