Royal Honour conferred on Jørgen Kosmo

Jørgen Kosmo, the Auditor General of Norway, received a Royal Honour from the hands of the President of the Netherlands Court of Audit, Saskia J Stuiveling, on Thursday 21 November 2013.

He has been made a Commander in the Order of Oranje-Nassau. This special honour was bestowed upon him for his work as chair of the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI). The IDI funds training and development programmes at supreme audit institutions in developing countries and in emerging democracies. Audit institutions in these countries receive support to improve their performance and fulfil their responsibilities in states under the rule of law.

Mr Kosmo has been the IDI's chair since 2005 and will retire on 1 January 2014. He is currently in the Netherlands as a personal guest of Ms Stuiveling to attend the Young EUROSAI Congress (YES) in Rotterdam. More than 100 young staff members from European audit institutions are attending YES. At a series of workshops they are developing new ideas so that they can perform their work even better in the future.

Mr Kosmo enjoyed a guided tour of Rotterdam during YES. During a visit to the Norwegian Church on Westzeedijk, he was surprised by the presence of several IDI colleagues. Ms Stuiveling then took the floor and conferred the honour on him.

Jorgen Kosmo