Annual Report 2013: Court of Audit provides insight into expenditure

The Court of Audit published its Annual Report for 2013 online on 27 March 2014. In it, we account for the work we carried out in 2013 and our operational management.

A new development this year is that we have published our own expenditure (our 'general ledger') on the website as open data. This is in keeping with our ambition to increase transparency and 'open spending'. You can see what we have done and how much money we have spent. The Court's President, Saskia J. Stuiveling, wrote in the foreword, 'We look upon this as a new step in the path towards greater transparency. Let others decide whether we work efficiently and effectively. Now that we have taken the first step, I hope others will follow. We can then make comparisons and learn from each other how to work even more efficiently and effectively.'

Annual Report 2013 is only available in Dutch.