Web dossier on managing healthcare expenditure
Expenditure on healthcare is increasing faster than all other public expenditure incurred by the government.
Spending overruns in the Healthcare Budgetary Framework (BZK) are almost a permanent feature. It is of vital importance that the system in place to budget and account for healthcare expenditure functions correctly and helps manage the expenditure. The Court of Audit has created a web dossier on healthcare expenditure and carried out a series of audits to improve the insight available into it. The dossier will also provide an insight into the opportunities provided by the healthcare sector itself to influence the level of expenditure.
The web dossier contains information on the budgeting and accounting system for public expenditure in the healthcare sector. It explains which parties are involved and who is responsible for what and presents the Court of Audit’s conclusions and recommendations on the budgeting and accounting system.
The letter and web dossier is only in Dutch available.