Growth in care expenditure to increase again after 2015

In a letter to the House of Representatives of 5 November 2014, the Court of Audit makes a number of comments on the 2015 budget of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). The letter is one in a series the Court of Audit will send until mid-November with comments on the ministry’s budgets.

In the letter, the Court considers developments in care expenditure, the decentralisation of youth care and social assistance, and fraud in the care sector. Movements in the Care Budgetary Framework (BKZ) are at the heart of the Care Financial Picture (FBZ). The preliminary actual figures in the FBZ 2015 indicate ‘zero growth’ in net expenditure in 2015. Given the expected increase in growth to 4.6% in 2019, financial sustainability is an important consideration. In the BKZ, expenditure in 2015 is budgeted at €71.3 billion and revenue at €4.9 billion. VWS’s expenditure in the BKZ 2015 is the second largest expenditure item of government expenditure as a whole (28%).

The letter is only in Dutch available.