Court of Audit holds open house on 10 September

The Court of Audit is opening its doors to the public on National Heritage Day, Saturday 10 September. To make this special day even more interesting, the Court’s President, Arno Visser, will be giving a brief talk on the Court of Audit’s history at 13.00 and 15.00.

To make this special day even more interesting, the Court’s President, Arno Visser, will be giving a brief talk on the Court of Audit’s history at 13.00 and 15.00.

The Court of Audit has been housed at Lange Voorhout 8 in The Hague since 1868. The building itself dates from 1394. A new office block designed by architect Aldo van Eyck was added at the rear in 1997. The modern building had to match the old one as closely as possible. Van Eyck was inspired by rainbows and his preferred shape was the curve. The result was a building in which every office room is different. The canteen was inspired by the shape of an Arab tent. 275 people work at the Court of Audit.


You are welcome to visit the Court of Audit between 10.00 and 16.00. You can also take a guided tour of the building to learn more about the Court’s work. An exciting treasure trail will be organised for our younger visitors.