Activity report on 2022: back to normal
The Netherlands Court of Audit returned to “normal” in 2022. Audits were carried out on location more often, collaboration from behind screens was alternated with meetings in the office. But it was also the year in which Arno Visser announced he would be standing down as President.
The Court of Audit issued a total of 59 publications in 2022. 2 focus investigations were issued, one on false self-employment and one on strategic stocks. Publication of a third focus investigation planned for 2022 was postponed to the first month of 2023. Fewer letters were sent to parliament and fewer web dossiers were published than in 2021. The Energy Transition and Digitalisation programmes got off to a good start, with reports on the National Heat Fund and the capacity of the electricity grid, and a second audit of algorithms used by government.
On Accountability Day 2022, we were again able to present the results of our annual accountability audit in person to the House of Representatives after two successive years of online accountability days.
Fewer letters and web dossiers in 2022

Heating turned down, office closed on Fridays
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent energy crisis also had consequences for the Court of Audit. Energy saving measures were taken on 1 November: heating and cooling were turned down and our office was closed on Fridays as from November.
Departure of Arno Visser
The Court of Audit’s President, Arno Visser, announced that he would be leaving the Court as of 31 December 2022. Arno Visser had been a member of the Court’s Board for nearly 10 years and its President since 15 October 2015. The procedure to recruit a new Board member is in progress.