Delta Congress participants challenged to make the right flood safety decisions
The Netherlands really has to make work of wider flood safety policy. Simply reinforcing the dykes is not enough. The Court of Audit comes to this conclusion in its report Beyond the Dyke published in mid-October 2023. But how? To find out, the Court invented a game that was played for the first time today during a workshop at the Delta Congress in Groningen.

Congress participants representing public authorities, civil society organisations and research institutions played the game to see how they could fulfil the mission of keeping the Dutch delta safe and liveable. With the risk of flood events being increased by climate change, success is possible only through a combination of measures in front of, on and beyond the dyke. That’s what the game teaches. We can only win if everyone pulls together and takes flood safety measures at different levels.
If there is enough interest after the Congress, the Court will offer workshops at which other interested parties can play the game. If you are interested, send an email with the subject line ‘spel waterveiligheid’ to