Consideration of estimates in the Accountability Audit
The quality of government revenue and expenditure estimates has been subject to criticism for some time. The Netherlands Court of Audit has reported in the past on the problems surrounding estimates. It has also developed a tool to inform civil servants and members of parliament about the issue.
The forthcoming Accountability Audit, which will be published on 21 May 2025, will take a closer look at various aspects of the estimation process. It will also respond to a report on the estimation process prepared by an expert group for the Minister of Finance. The report will be published in mid-March this year.
On 20 February 2025, a letter to the House of Representatives explained what information is to be expected. The letter also referred to an audit currently being carried out of how the government accounts for tax revenues. The Court of Audit expects to publish the audit report in September of this year.
The letter is only available in Dutch.