
360 publications

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  1. Appendix 2 Receipt Netherlands from Horizon and state aid

    Publication | 19-06-2022

  2. Appendix 1 Cost and benefit of EU measures

    Publication | 19-06-2022

  3. Combating money laundering part 3: status in 2021

    Private parties are disclosing more unusual transactions, law enforcement agencies are referring more cases to the Public ...

    Report | 08-06-2022

  4. Confiscation of the Proceeds of Crime

    Many seeds, meagre harvest Under the motto ‘crime must nor pay’, additional budgets of at least €634.1 million were released ...

    Report | 08-06-2022

  5. Speech by Mr Ewout Irrgang, Vice President Netherlands Court of Audit, at the The World Justice Forum -2022 in The Hague

    Session organized by IDI: “Challenges and Trends for Accountability Institutions”

    Speech | 02-06-2022

  6. Presentation Facing challenges in accountability at World Justice Forum -2022 in The Hague

    Publication | 02-06-2022

  7. Netherlands Court of Audit Thesis Prize Regulations

    Publication | 01-06-2022

  8. Algorithms 2

    Video | 18-05-2022

  9. An Audit of 9 Algorithms used by the Dutch Government

    Responsible use of algorithms by government agencies is possible but not always the case in practice. The Netherlands Court of ...

    Report | 18-05-2022

  10. A worrying lack of decisiveness

    Audit of the policy to combat care fraud  Measures to combat fraud involving public care funds rarely if ever work in practice. ...

    Report | 14-04-2022