News - Environment, climate and energy

34 news items on Environment, climate and energy

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  1. More grants, fewer black-tailed godwits

    20 years’ policy to protect meadow birds The policy to protect meadow birds such as the black-tailed godwit is not working. In ...

    News item | 14-12-2021 | 18:30

  2. Combatting environmental crime is fumbling in the dark

    A small group of the 500 or so companies that work with large volumes of hazardous substances repeatedly violate environmental ...

    News item | 30-06-2021 | 15:00

  3. Alternatives to the involvement of state owned enterprises in energy transition inadequately studied

    The Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has not adequately explained why he is charging the state owned enterprises ...

    News item | 24-06-2021 | 17:00

  4. Drinking water aquifers inadequately protected against geothermal risks

    The government inadequately protects drinking water aquifers against the risks of drilling for geothermal energy. In the ...

    News item | 17-06-2021 | 11:00

  5. Data errors hamper enforcement of environmental rules

    Typing errors, records entered under different names and inconsistent address details are hampering the enforcement of ...

    News item | 20-01-2021 | 16:30

  6. Tax incentives for electric vehicles remain an expensive instrument

    Tax incentives for electric vehicles remain a relatively expensive instrument to cut CO2 emissions despite the measures taken in ...

    News item | 24-06-2020 | 00:00

  7. Netherlands Court of Audit: reconsider vehicle tax exemptions, refunds and reductions

    Most vehicle tax exemptions, refund regulations and tariff reductions are contrary to the taxes’ two main objectives: to provide ...

    News item | 27-11-2019 | 11:00

  8. Rules to prevent manure pollution are the cause of the problem rather than the solution

    Changes in laws and regulations have not helped reduce manure pollution. On the contrary, the accumulation of rules seems to be ...

    News item | 20-06-2019 | 16:30

  9. Billions placed in revolving funds but little accountability

    The Dutch government is increasingly using revolving funds to achieve social goals, for example to encourage domestic energy ...

    News item | 16-04-2019 | 17:30

  10. Many European countries fail to meet air quality standards

    Many European countries are failing to comply with international and European standards on air quality. Moreover, many ...

    News item | 30-01-2019 | 12:00