News - Health care

28 news items on Health care

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  1. Bigger discounts needed on expensive medicines to avoid crowding-out effects

    Bigger discounts needed on expensive medicines to avoid crowding-out effects

    News item | 04-05-2020 | 09:52

  2. Decision to audit system of personal care budgets postponed

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has decided to postpone a decision to audit the new system of personal care budgets (the PGB 2.0 ...

    News item | 10-12-2019 | 00:00

  3. Households with children suffer from benefit debt more frequently and for longer

    Households with children and households with an annual income of between approximately €20,000 and €71,000 (i.e. between the ...

    News item | 13-06-2019 | 15:30

  4. Early application for long-term care does not increase likelihood of access

    The likelihood of someone receiving care under the Long-Term Care Act (WLZ) is not affected by the municipality in which he or ...

    News item | 06-06-2018 | 00:00

  5. Quality of mental healthcare not reflected in contracts

    Problems in the funding model for mental healthcare

    News item | 26-01-2017 | 11:08

  6. Care Agreements help restrain the growth in care expenditure

    Agreements made by the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport with medical specialists, general practitioner, insurers and other ...

    News item | 06-12-2016 | 11:20

  7. Regional differences in long-term health care use difficult to explain

    Government’s planned saving of €500 million uncertain

    News item | 09-06-2015 | 14:40

  8. Health insurance package management less effective at controlling expenditure than envisaged

    Systematic review of basic health insurance package provides opportunities for improvement

    News item | 28-04-2015 | 14:51

  9. Growth in care expenditure to increase again after 2015

    In a letter to the House of Representatives of 5 November 2014, the Court of Audit makes a number of comments on the 2015 budget ...

    News item | 05-11-2014 | 10:27

  10. Web dossier on managing healthcare expenditure

    Expenditure on healthcare is increasing faster than all other public expenditure incurred by the government.

    News item | 13-05-2014 | 10:09