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452 news items

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  1. Government to select architect to renovate Netherlands Court of Audit’s premises

    The Central Government Real Estate Agency is going have the Court of Audit’s premises on Lange Voorhout in The Hague rebuilt so ...

    News item | 27-10-2020 | 00:00

  2. Barbara Joziasse appointed to the Netherlands Court of Audit’s Board

    On the recommendation of the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Dutch cabinet ratified the Royal Decree ...

    News item | 16-10-2020 | 00:00

  3. How much more does the Netherlands contribute to the EU than it receives from it, and how is this net payment position calculated?

    Analysis of an EU member state’s net payment position How much does the Netherlands contribute to the European Union and how much ...

    News item | 14-10-2020 | 08:00

  4. Managing sensible care in the standard health insurance package has not delivered change

    Netherlands Court of Audit: Health care that does not have a demonstrable effect and is not medically necessary has still not ...

    News item | 13-10-2020 | 17:30

  5. Minister offers better insight into project but submarine budget is too low

    Submarine deployment below Defence ambition for at least 10 years The Ministry of Defence correctly informed parliament at the ...

    News item | 12-10-2020 | 16:00

  6. Employee Insurance Agency’s implementation and control of the export of benefit payments

    The right to a Dutch benefit is not reserved solely to people who live in the Netherlands. People who live outside the ...

    News item | 01-10-2020 | 00:00

  7. Points of concern regarding the draft 2021 budgets of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

    A good budget underpins the effective implementation of policy and accountability. The Netherlands Court of Audit therefore sends ...

    News item | 24-09-2020 | 00:00

  8. Testing capacity went unused in the spring

    Investigation of corona crisis measures More people could probably have been tested for novel coronavirus in the first months of ...

    News item | 23-09-2020 | 17:00

  9. More consideration for preventing misuse of the NOW furlough scheme

    Investigation by the Netherlands Court of Audit To prevent misuse of the new round of the NOW furlough scheme, more applications ...

    News item | 23-09-2020 | 00:00

  10. House of Representatives nominates Barbara Joziasse for appointment to the Netherlands Court of Audit’s Board

    The House of Representatives agreed on the nomination of a new member of the Court of Audit’s Board on 22 September 2020. The ...

    News item | 22-09-2020 | 00:00