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452 news items

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  1. The Netherlands Court of Audit follows government Covid-19 guidelines

    The Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) is following government guidelines and policy with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic. Recently ...

    News item | 13-03-2020 | 13:05

  2. Police managers have incomplete picture of police strength

    The picture that the managers of the Dutch police force have of the number of police officers who can actually be deployed does ...

    News item | 18-02-2020 | 18:00

  3. Fifteen years of findings on the benefits system

    Netherlands Court of Audit shares lessons learned from its audits with parliament The benefits system the government uses to help ...

    News item | 13-02-2020 | 11:30

  4. NCA audit on algorithms

    News item | 12-02-2020 | 00:00

  5. Francine Giskes to leave the Board of the Netherlands Court of Audit on 15 October

    As she is approaching the end of her statutory term of office, Francine Giskes has decided to resign from the Board of the ...

    News item | 11-02-2020 | 00:00

  6. NCA audit on special grant payments to Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba

    The Netherlands Court of Audit recently started an audit on the special grants provided by the Dutch central government to the ...

    News item | 05-02-2020 | 00:00

  7. Netherlands Court of Audit teams up with Sudanese National Audit Chamber

    Partnership funded by Dutch foreign ministry The Netherlands Court of Audit and the Sudanese National Audit Chamber have decided ...

    News item | 16-01-2020 | 13:00

  8. Appointment of extraordinary Board member

    The cabinet approved the appointment of Ms J.M.A. (Hanny) Kemna as extraordinary member of the Netherlands Court of Audit’s Board ...

    News item | 13-12-2019 | 00:00

  9. Resolution of failing banks: not all resolution plans fully completed

    Minister does not exercise full supervision The Netherlands Court of Audit has audited the preparations made by the Dutch central ...

    News item | 12-12-2019 | 14:30

  10. Diversity: a matter for all of us

    “Diversity is not only a matter for women and Dutch nationals with a non-western background. It is a matter for all of us.” With ...

    News item | 12-12-2019 | 00:00