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  1. SAIs of Suriname and the Netherlands: sharing knowledge and expertise

    The supreme audit institutions of the Netherlands and Suriname signed a Memorandum of Understanding this week for the exchange of ...

    News item | 06-10-2023 | 11:59

  2. 71% of our recommendations lead to action

    The Progress Monitor 2023 shows that 71% of our recommendations lead to action by a minister or state secretary. This is in line ...

    News item | 28-09-2023 | 14:00

  3. Budget letters 2024: pleased with consideration of broad prosperity, keep an eye on feasibility

    Every year, the Netherlands Court of Audit publishes its considerations on the draft budget that the government submits to the ...

    News item | 28-09-2023 | 14:00

  4. Room for underspending in Accountability Audit

    The Netherlands Court of Audit informed the House of Representatives by letter of 28 September 2023 how it would deal with the ...

    News item | 28-09-2023 | 14:00

  5. Senators invited to the Netherlands Court of Audit

    At the invitation of the Netherlands Court of Audit, a delegation of 20 members of the Dutch Senate made an introductory visit to ...

    News item | 26-09-2023 | 18:30

  6. Unclear whether central government policy is boosting equal opportunities for MBO students

    Are measures and extra funding benefiting the most vulnerable young people? The Minister of Education, Culture and Science ...

    News item | 12-09-2023 | 16:00

  7. Pieter Duisenberg starts as the new president of the Netherlands Court of Audit

    Pieter Duisenberg was appointed as a board member and president of the Court of Audit at an extraordinary board meeting on ...

    News item | 05-09-2023 | 16:00

  8. Netherlands Court of Audit on Mastodon

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has been active on Mastodon since 21 August. This social media platform was set up by a group of ...

    News item | 23-08-2023 | 00:00

  9. Final report on parliamentary review of criminal law system published

    The Minister of Justice and Security must strengthen cooperation among the various organisations responsible for implementing ...

    News item | 14-07-2023 | 14:20

  10. Netherlands Court of Audit hosts workshop on rapid and responsive audits for European Supreme Audit Institutions

    The workshop aimed to promote impactful focus audits (or investigations) and was organised last week, by the Netherlands Court of ...

    News item | 13-07-2023 | 16:15