
357 publications

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  1. Appendix 1 Cost and benefit of EU measures 28-06-2021

    Publication | 05-07-2021

  2. Appendix 2 Receipt Netherlands from Horizon and state aid

    Publication | 05-07-2021

  3. Overview Corona related state aid EU member states

    Publication | 05-07-2021

  4. Enforcing in the Dark

    Combating to environmental crime and violations, part 2 The approach to environmental crime and violations is inadequate. An ...

    Report | 30-06-2021

  5. In Public Hands

    The Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has not adequately explained why he is charging the state owned enterprises ...

    Report | 24-06-2021

  6. Special Purpose Grants Awarded to the Caribbean Netherlands

    Parliament receives incomplete or inadequately reliable information from the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) ...

    Report | 23-06-2021

  7. Budgetary leeway in the forecasts? Multiyear forecasts audited

    We conclude from our audit of five cases that parliament lacks the information necessary to correctly assess the underpinning and ...

    Report | 22-06-2021

  8. Protecting drinking water against geothermal risks

    Still waters in deep grounds The government inadequately protects drinking water aquifers against the risks of drilling for ...

    Report | 17-06-2021

  9. Effectiveness of the AIVD and MIVD

    The law forces, time presses, practice compels Preparation and introduction of the Intelligence and Security Services Act (WIV ...

    Report | 22-05-2021

  10. EU Contact Committee statement in support of the constitutional role, mandate and independence of the Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus, 17 May 2021

    Publication | 18-05-2021