News - Sustainability of public finances

42 news items on Sustainability of public finances

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  1. 2025 draft budgets: transparent finances, abstract goals

    A good budget is the starting point for good accountability for expenditure and results. Every year, the Netherlands Court of ...

    News item | 24-09-2024 | 16:00

  2. Citizens struggle with complex disability insurance scheme: Court of Audit offers guidance to government

    Guidance on the human dimension Many people are trapped by government rules. One cause is the complexity of the regulations they ...

    News item | 18-04-2024 | 12:00

  3. 71% of our recommendations lead to action

    The Progress Monitor 2023 shows that 71% of our recommendations lead to action by a minister or state secretary. This is in line ...

    News item | 28-09-2023 | 14:00

  4. Room for underspending in Accountability Audit

    The Netherlands Court of Audit informed the House of Representatives by letter of 28 September 2023 how it would deal with the ...

    News item | 28-09-2023 | 14:00

  5. Letter on central government tax revenues

    In a letter to the House of Representatives of 28 September 2022, the Netherlands Court of Audit draws attention to a number of ...

    News item | 28-09-2022 | 09:00

  6. Natural gas revenue figures and scenarios updated

    The Netherlands Court of Audit sent an updated calculation of natural gas revenue scenarios 1966-2021 to the House of ...

    News item | 27-09-2022 | 13:30

  7. Corona Account – 2021 Budget Day edition

    The 234 measures taken to combat the COVID-19 crisis in the period 2020-2022 will cost the Netherlands an estimated €82.1 ...

    News item | 30-09-2021 | 09:00

  8. First Aid for Forecasts

    The Netherlands Court of Audit has developed a tool to help the House of Representatives better understand the forecasts made in ...

    News item | 29-09-2021 | 10:00

  9. BES islands: poor insight into special purpose grants

    Parliament receives incomplete or inadequate information from the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and the ...

    News item | 23-06-2021 | 17:30

  10. Multiyear forecasts not up to date or correct

    The Netherlands Court of Audit concludes from an audit of five cases that multiyear forecasts in the ministries’ budgets are ...

    News item | 22-06-2021 | 17:30