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  1. Cost to the Netherlands government of the MH17 disaster rises to €199 million

    At the government’s request, the Netherlands Court of Audit has been keeping track of the costs incurred by the Dutch government ...

    News item | 26-11-2024 | 13:15

  2. After 30 years, not known how much energy businesses can save

    Less oversight than minister would like in recent years Businesses and institutions that are obliged to cut their energy ...

    News item | 21-11-2024 | 15:10

  3. NAFIN, vital Defence network well-designed but weak security

    The Netherlands Armed Forces Integrated Network (NAFIN) is a technically well-designed network for secure and confidential ...

    News item | 07-11-2024 | 11:00

  4. Central government often does not assess risks of AI

    AI deployed chiefly to increase efficiency of internal processes  The Dutch government does not know if many of its artificial ...

    News item | 16-10-2024 | 17:00

  5. 2025 draft budgets: transparent finances, abstract goals

    A good budget is the starting point for good accountability for expenditure and results. Every year, the Netherlands Court of ...

    News item | 24-09-2024 | 16:00

  6. Approach to acting with integrity varies among ministries

    Suspected integrity breaches not always reported  While confidential counsellors at ministries are in a position to perform their ...

    News item | 10-09-2024 | 06:45

  7. Netherlands Court of Audit publishes online course on integrity in public sector

    IntoSAINT for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) or SAINT for Public Sector Institutions (PSOs) serves as a valuable method, ...

    News item | 26-08-2024 | 12:55

  8. Sustainable dairy farms in the Netherlands awarded higher grants

    Under the EU eco-scheme, dairy farmers in the Netherlands who do more for the climate, nature and the environment receive higher ...

    News item | 27-06-2024 | 15:00

  9. Productivity of implementing organisations: generic average does not reflect complex reality

    At the request of the House of Representatives, the Netherlands Court of Audit has investigated developments in the productivity ...

    News item | 05-06-2024 | 16:00

  10. Provisional award decision for new submarines: careful and transparent

    The Minister of Defence’s decision to procure 4 new submarines from Naval Group was taken carefully and in accordance with the ...

    News item | 23-05-2024 | 14:00