
356 publications

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  1. The European Semester

    The European Semester is the annual cycle of economic and budgetary policy coordination in the EU member states. The Semester ...

    Frequently asked questions

  2. EU macroeconomic surveillance: macroeconomic imbalances procedure

    The EU monitors the macroeconomic situation in its member states. The European Commission keeps a scoreboard for each member ...

    Frequently asked questions

  3. Micro-prudential supervision

    The ESFS’s micro-prudential supervision is aimed at individual institutions. Three sector-specific European supervisory ...

    Frequently asked questions

  4. Budget Surveillance in the EU

    EU-member states are required to comply with the European budget requirements. They are obliged to balance out public income and ...

    Frequently asked questions

  5. Appendix 2 Reciept Netherlands from Horizon and state aid

    Publication | 15-12-2022

  6. Completed support programmes

    A financial assistance programme consists of a package of agreements made between the European Commission and the member state ...

    Frequently asked questions

  7. Decisions on the European emergency funds

    Decisions on the European emergency funds were taken by the Eurogroup (the nineteen member states of the euro area) and by the EU ...

    Frequently asked questions

  8. Appendix 1 Cost and benefit of EU measures

    Publication | 15-12-2022

  9. Energy Retrofit Fund: no free money

    Costs, results and lessons for revolving funds The National Energy Retrofit Fund (ERF) is a scheme to make homes sustainable. By ...

    Report | 13-12-2022

  10. Insight into Forest Management

    Staatsbosbeheer, forest management and forest strategy The image that has emerged in recent years that Staatsbosbeheer, the Dutch ...

    Report | 06-12-2022